Whew! Can I just say this week was exhausting!? There seemed to be a high level of excitement in the air, maybe it was the snow, the 100th day, or the snow? How about both! The kids were PSYCHED all week for our 100th day celebration. We started by making our 100th day placements early on in the week (so we could get those babies laminated in time), our 100 year old portraits, and every day we have eagerly been counting down the days. By Friday, we weren’t sure if we were even going to have school with all the snow (of course we did), and our 100th day went off without a hitch. Here is a peek at a few goodies from the day…
Ok, now totally switching gears. Remember how I wrote about our Opinion Writing Unit last week? Well, its over and on the assessment one of the kids wrote all about how much they love… not puppies, not ice cream, not their best friend, but… wait for it… vowels. Yes, you heard right, vowels! My heart got all warm and fuzzy when I read that… and he even gave some super reasons why he loves learning about vowels! I think that means my vowel unit is doing its job keeping them focus, engaged, and having fun. Here are a few highlights of the materials we are using for our Short and Long Vowel Unit.
Looks like your kiddos had a fun 100th day! 🙂
Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
Ha ha! Loving "vowels". He certainly knows his way to his teachers heart 🙂 Cute stuff.
Teaching and Tapas: 2nd Grade in Spain
Loved all your 100 day activities, can't wait to see what you do for Valentines! 🙂 By the way I'm having a giveaway if you'd like to hop over!
Fun in PreK-1
Thanks ladies!
I think the hunt using the 100 chart is a brilliant idea! Was the dice game like a race to see how long it would take them to fill it up?
Leslie – Teach Junkie.com
Yes exactly! They rolled, counted, and colored. Some of my kids need help tracking correctly on the number grid and this was a quick and easy game to practice that.
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