This Guided Reading Curriculum BUNDLE unit is full of student activities and teacher materials that you can use to support your students in their journey to reading. Use these materials to plan and implement effective guided reading lessons that target their exact needs at each of the specific reading levels. Everything is here for you in a neat, organized package! No need to sift through materials to figure out what to do. All you will need to supply are the Leveled books for your students, as well as a few materials that you should have in your classroom.
Here is what is included in this pack:
-Guided Reading Lesson Outline for each level
-Setting Up Guided Reading Notebooks: Notebook covers, photos, tips for student notebook
-Setting Up Your Teacher Binder: Guided Reading planning, Teacher Flip Book, covers, photos, tips
-Quick Reference Sheets for Levels F-J
-Characteristics of Readers at each level
-Qualities of Books that support each level of Readers
-Reading Behaviors to support each level of Readers
-Materials: Making a Guided Reading Tool Kit
-Reading Strategy posters
-Reading Skills posters: Features of Text, Visualizing, Making Connections, Sequencing/Plot, Determining Important Details, Summarizing, Comparing and Contrasting, Making Inferences, Drawing Conclusions, Making Predictions, Text Evidence, Main Idea, Character Changes, Character Traits, Cause/Effect, Fact/Opinion, Forming an Opinion, Story Mapping, Synthesizing, Author’s Purpose, Theme/Central Message/Lesson
-An Activity Binder for EACH LEVEL F, G, H, I and J with multiple activities each to explicitly support phonics and reading skills for Readers at that level.