Kindergarten Sight Words

Teaching sight words in Kindergarten is something I’ve always loved. Learning just a few sight words often gives young learners the springboard that they need to begin to read and write simple sentences. 

While there is no exact science to teaching sight words, I often utilize a variety of materials and teaching strategies and to tend to go for multi-sensory practice to help them stick. 

At the end of this post I have a freebie with the order that I teach the first 25 sight words in kindergarten. 

popcorn words

sight words
Sight words in shaving cream!

sight words
Use pom poms to spell sight words

kindergarten sight words
sight word notebook for kindergarten
This interactive sight word notebook has been a part of my weekly homework routine for many years. It’s a great independent routine for your students to practice their sight words at home or at school. It could be used for morning work or in a literacy center.


sight word notebook
sight word notebook for kindergarten

 sight word notebook

Students get practice writing their sight word, building it with cut out letters, and writing the word in a sentence.

If you are looking for a place to start, this list is my go-to in the beginning of the year. The order provides a good starting point for beginning sentences, and my kids have been very successful with sequential, explicit teaching. 

(Click the image to download)
Happy teaching! 🙂


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