Guided Reading Made Easy: LEVEL A

 guided reading, level a
Guided Reading.
For many teachers, the words make you crazy. (I will admit, I was one of those teachers.)
We never had a set program. We had some PD books, and some random resources that were adopted then dropped, old dusty manuals from the early 90s …aaaand that was what I was working with. So, Guided Reading in my classroom was always a mismosh of things that I could pull together fast and easy.  One day while scrambling for appropriate activities for my guided reading groups, I knew that something had to give. I had to get organized. 

So here we are. 
 guided reading, level a

All organized goodness. 
Let me tell you what is in here. 

Lesson Plan for your LEVEL A Guided Reading Groups
Pages for you to plan and track every guided reading lesson
Setting up Guided Reading Notebooks
Setting up YOUR Guided Reading Binder/Teacher Organization
Setting up this lovely LEVEL A Activity Binder 
Information on Level A Readers: Their Books, Their Behaviors, and What You Can Do to Help Them
16 Different activities that you can use during the Extension part of your GR lesson that SPECIFICALLY target needs of Level A readers. 
ALL Activities come with step-by-step directions and teaching points to make it super easy for you.
Reading Strategy Posters
& more!

Really. All you need are the books. 

Here are some pictures of Level A’s activities:
kindergarten guided reading

guided reading lessons

 guided reading

 guided reading

 guided reading

 guided reading, level a

 guided reading, level a

 guided reading, level a

 guided reading, level a

 guided reading, level a

 guided reading, level a

 guided reading, level a

Your teacher binder is the command center.

This is where all of the Guided Reading planning happens, where all of your lesson notes are stored, and where you can access your Flip Book of student activities to target the skill that you want to, when you need to. Because we all know you have approximately 1.4 seconds from the end of the reading part of your lesson to decide what they need to work on, pull it, and begin.
The Flip Book makes it easy for you to target, pick the activity, and get begin your targeted teaching! 

 guided reading, level a

 guided reading, level a

 guided reading, level a

 guided reading, level a

 guided reading, level a

There is SO much that will be right at your fingertips.

I hope that this pack helps to make your Guided Reading groups more organized, meaningful,  and strategic!

Click here to check out this Level A unit. It’s for sale at my Teachers Pay Teachers Shop.

Other Levels are also now available!

guided reading in kindergarten

Level B

Level C

Level D

Level E

Kindergarten Guided Reading BUNDLE A-E

Level F

Level G

Level H

Level I

First Grade Guided Reading BUNDLE F-J

Happy teaching. 🙂


Teachers, let me help.

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  • Your packet looks amazing! Are you planning on bundling the levels once they are all done? I want to get a copy but I would like multiple levels and if I could get them at a bundled discount that would be worth waiting for.
    The Chalkboard Garden

    • Thank you! Yes, I will bundle sets A-E when they are all complete. When I post each set, its discounted heavily for 2 days, so that you could actually get a little bit of a better deal buying each as they come out, rather than waiting for the bundle! 🙂

    • Would you be willing to bundles for 2nd and 3rd grade too? I'd buy those for sure!

  • Do you sell just the activities separately? I don't need the entire binder as I have a system, but the activities look great!

    • Hi Jen! The physical binder is not included, just cover sheets for your to organize the activities in to a binder if you choose to do so!

    • May I ask what size binders you use for both the teacher binder and activity binder? I don't want to buy one thats too small or too big 🙂 !

  • I am getting ready to purchase your bundle and want to make sure I have everything I need. Do I need 2 binders per level or three? Thanks! I can't wait to put this together!

    • Sorry Sarah, I just saw this! You need 1 binder per level plus one binder for yourself.

  • Hi, This is a GREAT resource that I can't wait to purchase. I was wondering if there was a resource that you used to gather your information on what skills the students need to practice at each level? Did you use Fountas and Pinnell for your information or another source?

  • Do you have a link that explains each of the extended activities for each level? When did the students do the activity- during group or independently?

  • This packet looks perfect for my classroom. Does this program work with Jan Richardson's Guided Reading?

  • I just purchased the Level A-E bundle and love it! One question- is your lesson plan template included anywhere?

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