Routines, Routines, Routines!

Woot woot!  This post was featured on the TpT blog! You can see it here

Never underestimate the importance of teaching routines. In every classroom and every grade level… but ESPECIALLY in Kindergaten. And in Kindergarten, we teach them, model them, practice them, talk about them for, oh… 180 days (give or take a few) and just when you think they have it….. BAM! Nope, back to the drawing board and you teach, model, and practice them again. 

A few years ago, I was moved to Kindergarten after teaching in intermediate for 8 years. And let me tell you, I TOTALLY did not prepare myself for teaching all of these things… I remember thinking, don’t they know how to get A paper towel (i.e. not 500) when they wash their hands? NOPE. You’ve got to teach them! 
And so… I made this list of all of the routines and procedures that I teach my Kinders every year. 
This list could also work just fine for First Graders too (because we know they forget over that long summer break!)! 

routines and procedures for kindergarten, back to school kindergarten

I put the list on a clipboard, and highlight them as I go. 

I hope you find it useful in your Back to School Planning!
If you are looking for some more help for Back to School this year, you may want to check these babies out!

First Day of Kindergarten Lesson Plans… HELLO sanity saver! 🙂

I have used the Name Activities in my classroom for a few years now, and the Printable Pack is printed and ready to go as we speak! First few weeks are done! 🙂

Enjoy your summer, teachers!

Teachers, let me help.

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  • Thanks for sharing your list of back to school routines. Sometimes it is difficult for me to remember everything I want my kiddos to know how to do. Now I can just highlight the list as we cover it. Perfect!

    Luv My Kinders

  • Thanks for sharing your list. Here in Scotland we started our summer holidays yesterday but I'm already planning for Back to School in August where I'm teaching your equivalent of First Grade 🙂

    • Oooh! I hope it works for you and your firsties! Enjoy your break 🙂

  • Thank you so much for sharing your list! That first week can be so hectic, and this will be a great visual reminder for me to make sure that I cross everything off the list. I also have a brand new teammate, and I am going to send her to your blog. Thanks for making my life easier.

  • Thank you, thank you! This last school year was my first time teaching kindergarten and I sure do need this list to remind me what to teach for routines. I plan to put it on a clipboard like you suggested and mark each item I teach off. Now, hopefully this year will go a lot better than last year. Thanks again!

  • Thank you so much for this freebie! This will be my first year teaching and even though I know what I want to cover in the beginning, it will be so useful to keep my mind on track and make sure I don't forget anything! One of the first resources I printed right away! Thanks!

    Daisy Designs

  • I am going to kindergarten after many years in second. This is going to be a BIG help! Thanks so much!

  • What a great resource!! I have been teaching K for many many years but this laid out so pretty and colorful seems soooo helpful even to me!
    Thank you for your hard work and sharing with us 🙂

  • Thank you for this list. It will be extremely helpful. Love the clipboard and highlighting idea.

  • Downloaded, shared and passed to many other friends (teachers & student teachers). Thank you for this 🙂

  • Kindergarten is the best solution for working parents. But it depends on the inspection that you perform before admitting your kids there. My kid(4 years) goes to Phoenix kindergarten in Arizona. They are so decent and polite in nature. I am relaxed with their kind and dedicated services.

  • This definitely hit the nail right on the head!!! I wish I had this list my first year of teaching but you learn as you go!! 🙂

  • WOW! This is just… Invaluable! For real! I just can thank you enough. It really has helped me to organize some things in my mind for next school year. Thank you a million!!!! Love from Spain.

  • I am heading back to kindergarten this year after teaching middle school. Kindergarten is my favorite grade to teach but for some reason I always blocked out those first few weeks where routine is the main learning focus. Thank you for a list since it's been 5 years since I've had a kindergarten class. Your list is great. I'm going to print it out and review this with my team! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • Karen, your lists are gold. I'm trying to make the mind shift back to school prep…and this will give me a jump start. I teach 1st, and I've been teaching primary for 23 years, but never put my routines in lists like this. Thank you for the treasure!

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