If you’ve ever struggled with planning and implementing effective, engaging science lessons in your kindergarten grade classroom, then please read on. This post is for you!
Maybe your district supplies you with a big-box curriculum that isn’t user-friendly. Maybe it creates too much work for you. Maybe it doesn’t hold your students’ attention. Or maybe you don’t have a curriculum and you are left spending your weekends piecing together ideas from Pinterest.
No more. I’m here to tell you how we can solve all of those problems with the
Little Science Thinkers Curriculum.
Little Science Thinkers Curriculum.
Little SCIENCE Thinkers is a complete curriculum specifically for Kindergarten.
It’s everything you need to introduce, teach, practice, and assess your kinder friends.
It is been written to suit the main topics of state Kindergarten Social Studies Standards as well as NGSS.
Here is a look at all of the units in the curriculum.
UNIT 1: Our Senses (read more here)
UNIT 2: Seasons and Weather
UNIT 3: Properties
UNIT 4: Plants
UNIT 5: Animals
UNIT 6: Force and Motion
UNIT 2: Seasons and Weather
UNIT 3: Properties
UNIT 4: Plants
UNIT 5: Animals
UNIT 6: Force and Motion
Unit 2: Seasons &Weather is now available. Let’s take a closer look at what is included!
Here is the breakdown of the major components of the unit.
The four-week unit is meant to be taught three times per week with 30-minute lessons. I know that your time is valuable and you need to make the most of every minute, so each lesson is jam packed with content and engagement.
The lessons are quick-paced, written in teacher language, and Kinder-friendly. You could give these plans to a sub or student teacher, and there would be no question as to what they need to do! It’s all there for you.
Here are the components of the unit.
Print and use *complete* lesson plans:
A full Teacher Guide to help you plan.
EIGHT Texts are INCLUDED for read-alouds:
Parent Letter:
Essential Question and Learning Targets for each lesson
that can be posted on a Focus Wall:
Anchor Charts and TONS of materials and activities to guide your teaching:
Student Workbook with activities to follow each lesson, with directions and activities written in kinder-friendly language.
A COMPLETE UNIT Powerpoint to guide your teaching during EACH and EVERY Lesson!
Pull up the PowerPoint on your Smart Board or on a projector:
A Kinder-appropriate Assessment and Rubric:
Here is what some teachers have to say about this unit!
I can assure you that this curriculum is VERY easy to use. Just print and teach!
————-Find Unit 2: Seasons and Weather HERE————–
As always, let me know if you have any questions!